Rebecca Beattie is the author of The Wheel of the Year, a nurturing guide to rediscovering nature’s seasons and cycles (Elliott & Thompson, October 2022). It is a celebration of eight key moments within the turning seasons – from solstices to equinoxes and those midpoints in-between: Imbolc, Beltane, Lammas and Samhain. Rooted in an appreciation of our everyday, this book is alive with what is happening in the natural world, offering tools and rituals to mark each seasonal festival, to pause and reflect. It connects readers to the wheel of their own life as well, allowing them to chart the turning of their personal seasons alongside these wider cycles.

Her next book, The Way Through the Woods (Elliott & Thompson, April 2024) encourages readers to reclaim life’s twists and turns – in relationships, work and family, and in the body and self – as transformative, alchemical moments full of possibility. Full of rejuvenating wisdom, The Way Through the Woods will help one to pause and reflect, to reconnect to nature and to yourself as you uncover a path towards joy and abundance.

Dr Beattie grew up on Dartmoor, which gave her an early appreciation of the power and joys of nature. She has been practising solitary witchcraft for twenty years and been an initiate of the Gardnerian Wiccan tradition for fifteen. As a Wiccan priestess, she is acclaimed for her highly informed teaching of witchcraft subjects at Treadwell’s Books in Bloomsbury, London. By day she is a professional in a major charity, with advanced degrees in Literature and Creative writing.