Dr Bonnie Lander Johnson is Fellow and Associate Professor at Downing College at the University of Cambridge, where she teaches the literature and history of the early modern period. She has a particular interest in the history of our changing relationship with the natural world.

Her academic books include Botanical Culture and Popular Belief in Shakespeare’s England (Cambridge University Press), Blood Matters (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018) and The Cambridge Handbook to Literature and Plants (Cambridge University Press, 2023). She regularly chairs events at the Cambridge Literary Festival and Festival of Ideas and represents the University on the BBC / Cambridge National Short Story Award. Bonnie’s creative non-fiction and fiction has been published in Hinterland, Howl and Dappled Things and shortlisted for The Royal Society of Literature’s V. S. Pritchett Prize and The Brick Lane Bookshop Short Story Prize.

Website: bonnielanderjohnson.com

Twitter: @Bonnie_LJ